I had to come after I saw so many pictures of this place! The yellow sign is their signiture color, It's definitely IG worthy. This place is located in the alley See's candies right next to the parking structure. It's been a while since I visited the Grove last time! The Grove has many shops, restaurants, and movie theather . Also, they always have a nice decoration seasonally.
LA LA LAND KIND CAFE THE GROVE / 189 The Grove Dr Suite G1C, Los Angeles, CA 90036
All white wall and yellow sign says La La Land. The font is extremly cute and very kitchy. I love how tall the ceiling is, it makes the cafe looks more spacious and big. The waitline was short when I entered, but It became very long right after I lined up. I feel lucky today!
This place has a variety of merchandise. Cell phone cases, Mugs, Hats, T-shirts, Joggers, Hoodies, and more. I am not sure much It is though since there's no price tag. I think this would be a great gift when I visit Korea. Whenever I go back to see my famil and friends, It's hard to think of some gift idea because these days you can just buy anything in any countiries. Nothing really is something you can only buy in the USA. Maybe I should buy small mugs.. or coffee cups for gift!
This place serves coffee but also pastry and breakfast menu. I see quite varity of pastries and even some chia seed puddings. It looks so yummy! Unfortunately, I already had a big breakfast... so maybe next time i will try some.
I already had a cup of coffee as well.. from Starbucks. So, I am getting Matcha Latte. Their Matcha menu is big. I am ordering their signiture "la la matcha latte" cloud style. there are iced, hot, and cloud which comes with milk form for coffee and matcha menu.
I love how their cup sleeves are not the same for all. different design, fonts, and wording. the color yellow always makes people warm. a very great combiniation of all and It is actually VERY TASTY! sometimes, IG famous places are not that great, worse than your expectation but I APPROVE this was the best matcha latte ever. I actually went back to this place on the following day. Highly recommend If you are a match latte fan and you love a cute places just like me :)
Korean ver.
LA LA LAND KIND CAFE @ The Grove 더 그로브
인생 아이스 마차라떼를 만난 곳.. 주말에 다녀온 라라 랜드 카페입니다. 더 그로브 몰에 위치해 있는데 쨍...
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