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LA / Koreatown : 춘천닭갈비 동해막국수 2호점 Chuncheon Dakgalbi Donghae Makguksu two

by Bokie 2023. 4. 27.



Dakgalbi(spicy stir-fried chicken) is one of the foods that reminds me of younger days. In middle school and high school, my friends and I used to go to eat dakgalbi fried rice(bokkeumbap) and literally one serving was about $3 (3,500won). It was a cheap meal but also very fulfilling. I usually got it after the final, we all went downtown and got this food. In my college years, I got dakgalbi all the time whenever I hung out in Kondae(Konkuk university area). I forgot the name but there was a quite big dakgalbi restaurant in the middle of Kondae. So.. Dakgalbi is a pretty special food that brings me a lot of memories. Oddly, I haven't had one since I moved to the USA until I went to this place.


Chuncheon Dakgalbi Donghae Makguksu two / 3601 W 6th St, Los Angeles, CA 90020


Three of us went for dinner, we got 2 servings of Dakgalbi and one Bibim makguksu(spicy buckwheat noodles). When you order food that is being shared in one big pot/plate like this in Korea, You usually get one less serving. The one serving is usually bigger than just one. 


They bring uncooked veggies and chicken with the spicy sauce and we cook it on the table. It doesn’t take too long. The main vegetable of the dish is the cabbage. It’s always so good in Dakgalbi. If your dakgalbi is missing cabbages, we don’t approve. Once it’s cooked, we eat! You can eat it with rice but I normally just eat the dakgalbi itself first then make fried rice later on. The dakgalbi was pretty tasty! It goes really well with soju and beer.


The spicy makguksu was refreshing but It was a bit salty to me. The sauce was so tasty.. I really wished it wasn’t salty. One bite of makguksu and one bite of dakgalbi… can’t ask for more than this. It was a pretty good dinner. We ended up ordering too many drinks so the bill was not cheap but It would be quite fair as the portion is generous. $27.99/per serving for Dakgalbi and $15.99 for Makguksu. $4.99 for fried rice. I would like to go back with a big group!!! 

